
Showing posts from August, 2021

Get bUoyed Up! [Negative Thinking]

 One of the most crucial aspects of your mental health is your thought process.  The ability to reason, imagine, problem solve and make sound judgements without disruptions in your mental thought process are necessary parts of your psyche and its impact on your day to day cognitive functions.  Sometimes this thought process can be disrupted by negative thoughts or simply "negative thinking." Negative thinking or negative thoughts can occur at any moment during any time of our lives. The question is...….how do you respond to negative thinking?  Do you surrender your inner power and allow the thought to take control?   Do you simply try to ignore it with the hopes of, in time, the bad thought will go away?   In either of these choices, the outcome whether it be long term or short term is not good for your overall mental health.  You should never give in, cater to, or ignore negative thoughts.  It is always a good idea to address any negative thoughts or negative emotional patte

Get bUoyed Up! [We Are All Flawed]

 There is an estimated 7.9 billion people that claim planet earth as their home based on the continuous data and research of the Worldometer reference website, which is a site that tracks and monitors global statistics and facts.  That's a lot of people with different genetic makeups, from different ethnicities and from different demographics. With so many people in the world, there is also no doubt that ideas, belief systems and opinions of people will be contrasting.  As these traits of us as humans differ, so does our judgments and viewpoints of others. It simply makes sense to know that because we are all different, we will also see things and judge others from different perspectives. Culturally, we may be raised differently, but analytically, we have similarities.  While our backgrounds and environments may classify us as being contrary to one another, there are some things that we all have in common with one attribute in particular that seems to jump right out at me. It does