Get bUoyed Up! [We Are All Flawed]

 There is an estimated 7.9 billion people that claim planet earth as their home based on the continuous data and research of the Worldometer reference website, which is a site that tracks and monitors global statistics and facts.  That's a lot of people with different genetic makeups, from different ethnicities and from different demographics. With so many people in the world, there is also no doubt that ideas, belief systems and opinions of people will be contrasting.  As these traits of us as humans differ, so does our judgments and viewpoints of others. It simply makes sense to know that because we are all different, we will also see things and judge others from different perspectives. Culturally, we may be raised differently, but analytically, we have similarities.  While our backgrounds and environments may classify us as being contrary to one another, there are some things that we all have in common with one attribute in particular that seems to jump right out at me. It does not matter how much we invoke our backgrounds and upbringings into our categorization of ourselves to give the impression of uniqueness. The color of our skin bears no significance to this one factor nor does the accent in our voices. It's irrelevant to our physical features of being tall, short, slim, or stout.  The one characteristic that brings similarity to us all is the fact that, as human beings, we are all flawed.  I have yet to meet the perfect human being. We were all born with imperfections.  Once you come to terms with this fact, you can start being a better you. There is no need to let the criticisms of others impact your life in a negative way. Remember, those who criticize your deficiencies are flawed themselves.  That's something you should always keep in mind when you are dealing with fault-finding or judgmental people. As a matter of fact, usually when you encounter people who are always reproving you as a person or the mistakes you may have made, just know that the reason they are so critical of your shortcomings is because they are trying to mask their own.  They are equally as flawed and imperfect as you are. The irony of this is that they can dish out the criticism but they can't take it. They revel in your faults but expect mercy for theirs. They seem to take pleasure in your inadequacies while hoping you don't mock or frown on theirs. So don't let the nitpicking voices of others impose undesirable labels upon your persona because at the end of the day, we are all flawed.  You have just been bUoyed Up!



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